Empower Inclusive Recruiting Program

Ready to move diversity forward?
Corporations needing training for 10 or more


Are you ready to impact lives?
Empower Inclusive Recruiting Program offers a 10-week, immersive, free training program that focuses on the essential soft skills, the recruitment tech stack, processes, best practices and so much more all while being intentionally inclusive. If you’re ready to kickstart your career as a recruiter, Apply Now!

Our Team

Our Fellow Advisors are here to assist you in your continuing your recruiting journey.

Tonie Snell


Latoria Richardson

Project Manager

Madison Butler

Program Advisor

Celeste Chatman

Fellow Advisor

Todd Davis

Fellow Advisor

Torin Ellis

Fellow Advisor

David Oliver

Fellow Advisor

Ready to Partner?


A full session or a Fellow   

Provide an Externship

Provide a fellow with a paid externship starting at week 7

Train Your Teams

Your inclusive recruiting training partner, helping elevate your internal teams.

Diversity Forward